There Was No Evidence Of A Novel Pathogen In 2020 | Part I: #TheNewYorkProblem
Yes, it matters.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the lab leak theory was put out there to catch all the skeptics that didn’t believe COVID was caused by a bad helping of moo goo gai pan in Wuhan. I’m sorry, but it’s not clever to land on mainstream media’s own version of an alternative theory which has essentially no evidence supporting it whatsoever. Nope, this psyop is so big you have to peel it back like an onion to see what’s at its core.
has been making some intelligent observations in regards to what actually went down in the spring of 2020. Because of that, she has received a lot of backlash which is presumably from bad actors and the ignorant sheep that mimic said bad actors on Twitter. Most of the COVID dissenter quasi-celebrities keep steering people away from or, at the very least, around this topic. That tells me her work is valuable and that she is on the money.This mysterious COVID illness was already a thing prior to the March 2020 lockdowns. Even Forbes admits it was likely present in America going back to 2019. Italy believes they were unknowingly dealing with it back in September.
We have evidence of illness, but where is the evidence of a novel pathogen?
Is it possible that we had a pandemic of definitions and fearmongering on mainstream news cycles? The Hart Group, headed up by Dr. Claire Craig and Dr. Jonathan Engler, seems to think so. From their article Querying the existence of a covid ‘pandemic’, they write:
The word pandemic used to have a very specific meaning. It was used to describe a scenario where there was extensive incapacitation of key workers and large numbers of deaths, including young people. A genuine pandemic is not something that would have needed billions of dollars in advertising for people to even notice and fear. Using this long-established definition of the word, we conclude that there was in fact no global pandemic in 2020. The word was deliberately misapplied and weaponised against an unsuspecting public. Let us be clear, this article is not questioning the existence of a virus SARS-CoV-2 or an illness named Covid-19, but even the choice of ‘SARS’ (Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome) as the name for this coronavirus was already setting the scene for systematic fear-mongering.
So what really went down in places like New York City and northern Italy? And if there was evidence of COVID many months prior to the spring 2020 data spikes, why did this supposed “virus” behave differently within certain borders?
What happened here? When a “virus” is declared the culprit, there seems to be a plethora of ways to justify almost any anomaly. SARS-CoV-2 mutated quite virulently for the months of March, April and May, but only in certain places! Absurd. This isn’t to say that people didn’t die. People did. This is simply challenging the narrative of a novel pathogen. Is that what we are seeing in this graph?
If you didn’t read the fine print, you would think a bomb was dropped on NYC. Even when you subtract the confirmed and “probable” COVID deaths, you still have a spike in mortality. Then, all-cause mortality disappears until the shots are rolled out in December. Fancy that.
These graphs are precisely why
coined the term “The New York Problem,” although I suppose it wasn’t a catchy enough name to keep using. Well, I’ve brought it back! 😛In NYC, there was a 245% increase in all-cause mortality for people under 70 in weeks 12-22 of 2020 compared to the same timeframe in 2019. Also, in this span, there were 7,593 deaths listed as COVID-19 and non-COVID mortality alone in 2020 equaled 1,454 more deaths than the mortality of all causes for this age group in 2019. It sure seems like something else must have been going on, right? With numbers like this, the ICUs must have been out of control! But why were doctors and nurses dancing so much? Where did they find the energy?
Who was attending to all of those people dying? I’m sure Elmhurst Hospital in Queens—known as the “epicenter of the epicenter”—will give us some insight.
Hmm. I don’t recall news channels covering this massive drop in emergency room traffic. Does that look like a viral pandemic to you?
EMS dispatch saw a 29% decrease in ambulance arrivals? During a pandemic? But so many people died, right? It sounds like a lot of people were either too scared to go to the hospital due to the horror stories being told on television or they were told not to come unless they were literally dying. Oh yeah, there were also the do-not-resuscitate guidelines when EMS workers happened upon cardiac patients with no pulse. So, contrary to popular belief, it was eerily quiet in a lot of hospitals.
Maybe we can find some helpful clues from outside the city. Let’s go upstate…
It really is weird. But a virus?
Just for a fun little comparison, let’s have a look at Haiti…
They had a huge spike in mortality followed by…well…not much.
We will do more digging into what happened in the spring of 2020 and what really caused people to fall ill in a way they had never experienced before. And yes, it does matter. If something is poisoning your water source, you damn well better figure out what it is or people will suffer from it. If the powers that be are talking about planning for future pandemics, we should understand that this is bigger than money. This is a long game and we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Thanks for reading. Please share your thoughts.
You are right!
Wuhan is a military research facility. International military 2019 games were held in Wuhan. Our Canadian soldiers were prevented from talking about this strange and resistant « pneumonia » they returned home with. So, we can’t say if they were plandemicing.
Most Covid cases were in China, fact that they hid to the WHO.
From January 2020, 99% of the « Covid deaths » occurred in elders: they died from Midazolam or opioids, enough to frighten the pleb:
Go here for informative article on what happened in N Italy Spring 2020:
Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe