JFK was a rockstar president.
Wherever he made appearances, throngs of young fans would show up to catch a glimpse of him and wife Jackie. Why not? He was considered to be good looking. He was friends with all the celebrities of that time. And, most importantly, he was a president for the people, right? Right?!?
He was going to take down organized crime!
He was going to keep us out of World War III!
He was going to put the Federal Reserve in its place!
He was going to take us to the moon!
He was going to crush the CIA!
Whoa, Jack! Dem’s fightin’ words! The establishment, who simply must have hated him, also respected him enough to put him on some money in 1964.
What a legacy! If only! If only!
If only he wasn’t the biggest conman of them all. RussianVids, who is a bit too honest for YouTube these days, makes some pretty sharp observations about JFK and Trump in the following video. You don’t have to agree with all of them.
If it wasn’t obvious enough that Trump was a conman with all of his WEF-friendly appointees, the new members of Team Trump were also big time promoters of the COVID shots.
Back to Jack. So, as we see in the above video, the guy who filmed the alleged assassination just happened to be a 33rd degree freemason. Although there were three mainstream news stations in Dallas at that time, not a single one showed up to the city’s biggest event of the month as pointed out in the film JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century.
Was the whole Zapruder film a fraud? Well, father Joe Kennedy was a Hollywood guy after all!
There’s just nothing like keeping contrived narratives going by way of a completely manufactured hero character, amirite?!? Y’know, one that makes people believe there is some sort of “democratic” system in America where good guys (who just happen to have ties to the Chicago mob) can make it all the way to the White House? An idol whose untimely exit from said house traumitizes people who are emotionally invested?
Do we understand the game yet, folks?!?
Researcher Alison McDowell has her theories as to what RFK Jr.’s purpose is in the second Trump administration. One might say he is a Trojan horse within the Trump Trojan horse—a matryoshka doll of horsies if you will. McDowell explains the new world being built around us which, in many ways, aligns with the premise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I encourage you to watch this dense video even if you have to split it up into multiple viewings.
Key words: super computer, Internet of Everything, blockchain, wearables, bio-cybernetic hybrid, signal processing, intentional communities, isolation, digital ID, digital twin, digital discipline, basic income, gamification.
Is this the Bobby you thought you were getting?
Sound crazy? Well, these ideas are now getting normalized on bigger platforms. Even on Joe Rogan’s podcast, businessman Marc Andreessen talked about some of the more dystopic themes. Click the image below to read a thread and watch clips from his appearance.
Another great article Ricky! So glad you mentioned Alison McDowell… what’s weird is that the alt MSM like Whitney Webb, TLAV, Broze, Slow News Day haven’t come out against Bitcoin… she even spoke at a conference like RFK, Jr & Tucker Carlson have… that’s a sus thing if there ever was one: bitcoin!
Most people need a hero because they want to follow instead of lead, they want to be told what to think/feel/say. That is why we still have governments and organised religion when both make no sense at all.