UPDATE: I found a couple interviews from 2011 where David talks about doing all kinds of work in the "late 80s and early 90s" when he was meant to be in school. Something is fishy...
From reading your article the good news is that because of so much media on individual idiots like this prick , they sooner or later trip themselves up . If you’re going to fib you better have an idetic memory. The problem is there are too many of these clowns in “ The system “
Matthew Crawford strikes me as a chaos agent's chaos agent. Too flaky by far on mythical virus origins, all dressed up and ready to party as the giant (and trustworthyish) statistical brain. Not buying him either.
Excellent in depth work. These actors are very difficult to read. Masons always have sneaky intentions and intelligence connections do always seem to suggest exploring foreign countries for gain , usually financial for someone like Martin . While subsequently leaving the foreign country short of natural resources or taking advantage of loopholes for taxes , philanthropy or some other shady operation.
I admit I was initially snookered by him when I saw him address the EU with his long speech on SARS 1 and how he had all the pertinent info on patents of COVId and dirt on Moderna , NIH , etc.
I can tell you as a radiologist COVId had real imaging pattern on CT. Saw it fairly consistently up till February 2022 and the emergence of Omicron. That was so mild a variant that we almost didn’t see it anymore . Have begun seeing it again sparsely with handful of cases as cold winter season is upon us (just like last winter).
Would add something for readers here. I have quickly learned that these people connected in biowarfare , big pharma , healthcare and insurance will do anything to get an edge on how to profit off of making people sick. Bill Gates is in this group just like he did with Microsoft. Create the problem and fear and seek profits from the solution (virus and then sell the antiviral software).
People should look up Lab 257 and Plum island. Our govt set up shop and took some leftover operation paperclip scientists to study hand foot and mouth and other viruses . There is lots of smoke and credible evidence that Lyme disease came from here , Lyme Connecticut is 5-10 miles from the island where they did the govt controlled secret testing. Birds and /or mosquitos carried it to the deer and all the young infected kids and other people were the epicenter. So there have been lab mistakes that have gotten out.
I do feel like they knew COVId came out accidentally in September 2019 when the power went out and they went far at h the BS 4 lab there.
Wuhan military games in late October then enabled all countries to come there and get sick and bring it back to their native countries. Bottom line as the patents and companies show, genie was out of the bag and plan was in place in October 2019 with the meeting in New York City with Event 201 sponsored by WEF, bill and Melinda gates and John Hopkins with Chinese CDC Gao there , Big tech and CIA Avril Haynes
Military chaff, aluminum coated fiberglass. They have upped the chemtrailing and combined with military frequencies and radiation toxicity I imagine that will wreck already unhealthy lungs. Not to mention the hospital protocols they’re dousing on anyone unlucky to visit a participating hospital.
I don’t believe Covid was an accident. It is a biological impossibility for a novel coronavirus to be replication competent enough to circle the globe in a matter of months. Strategic deliberate release in predetermined hot spots and the exclusive widespread use of fraudulent PCR testing to keep it going long after the threat was gone is the only math that makes sense.
A lot of something else’s killed people after Friday 13, March 2020. Fear, lack of medical care, job loss, suicide, addiction, physical abuse, but what touched it off was real.
I had friends that caught Covid and complained of weird symptoms but I brushed it off as not a whole lot different than the flu. Then during Delta I got what an at-home antigen test indicated was Covid.
I’ve never experienced inflammation so severe without much congestion in my life. Tachycardia, low O2 even though I wasn’t out of breath. Complete loss of olfactory senses.
I’m unvaxxed. Took Ivermectin, D, K, C, Zinc, NAC, Querciten, etc. Kicked its ass. Then 2wks later got the rebound people talk about. Was fking ridiculous. Unprecedented.
Meanwhile the young people in my family went through it like a cold. No biggie. So severity is age related.
I’ve heard all the pet theories about snake venom, 5G, nabobots, chemtrails, reanimating the Spanish Flu, and of course the gain of function monster from the Petri dish. And, of course, the nothing exists it’s all in your head crowd.
But at the end of the day what the poison was or was not isn’t the issue. The issue is that humanity was deliberately triggered by “a thing” that was kept alive via PCR and used to fear monger us out of our liberty, freedom, and personal sovereignty.
The bottom line is, before Covid the first order of business dictated by trusted experts during any emergency was always to stay calm.
Instead they fanned the flames of alarm to trigger the fight or flight reflex that had everyone blindly running for the exits. The exits were crushing mandates and ultimately the needle.
We were being herded. Feared into submission. That’s the thing too few are focusing on. Most of the so-called medical freedom fighters are controlled opposition, diverting from what’s important and making bank while leading us nowhere.
I am with you, it was a total psyop and since many papers were written before hand, meetings held about the rollout and it was in a production at the 2012 Olympics ..numbers were faked, fake tests for hypochondriacs to drive up fake numbers, venting and killing people in hospitals..the list is endless to how the whole thing was FAKE!
I do not. He waxes contradictory hence my conclusion that he is not reliable (trustworthy). Don't bother replying with another cryptic comment, I have no intention of attempting to justify what I have come to understand since 2020 via a thousand fragmentary interjections. By all means you believe what you want and I won't disturb you.
You do not feel it is required to give specifics whilst impugning someone’s character? Sorry, speaking in platitudes is never enough to justify assassinating someone’s character. Then, you audaciously claim I’m cryptic? 😂 And think you can order me around telling me not to respond? 😂 😂 😂 You’re a real piece of work. I’m glad you’ve exposed a slice of your personality for everyone to see on this message board.
Yeah the PCR angle also seemed a part of the plan. Kary Mullis the creator of it was willing to challenge Fauci on AIDS and was not afraid to challenge the narrative . He talked about
how easy it is to exploit by modifying amplification.
He mysteriously died 2 months before this whole evil operation began in August 2019 , from ironically “pneumonia”.
Speaking of mysterious deaths , one thing I’m curious your opinion on Ricky is a UPMC researcher who was Chinese working on coronavirus research in Pittsburgh in May 2020. Double murder. Not covered too much by national media. But, seems super nefarious in what they reported as a love quarrel of two gay men gone awry......
You're talking about Bing Liu and Hao Gu I believe. I think they were allegedly fighting over the same woman. I've thought a lot about this one! It's something I'll touch on in a later post.
In case you're interested, there have been literally *scores* of deaths that have been highly convenient for the powers-that-be in relation to the plandemic.
Great article and those videos..OMG the Mickey Willis character was giving me demonic vibes while spinning his yarn. Martin is a good salesman to an extent..he is an arrogant self aggrandizing gas bag for sure. There is Zero proof a bio weapon was ever released because as we learned later the footage from China and New York were fake and even epicenter #2 Lombardi Italy later redacted their fake numbers.
He’s problematic at best. He gets caught telling lies (or at the very least exaggerating) quite often. I even show you in this post how he became famous for making claims of a widespread bioweapon that he has since said he was talking about only from a legal perspective. Suddenly, he tells us it’s not necessarily what he believes. He has claimed to do important work in the 1980s which isn’t true. He has claimed to save billions of lives which is absurd. He currently travels the world with a bunch of spooks in the health freedom movement like Robert Malone and Steven Hatfill! These people worked at Ft. Detrick but he is complaining about the same kind of work being done in China?!? In fact, he has been regularly traveling the world since the 1990s and I am not sure why or who is paying for it. He was accepting donations for COVID-related lawsuits but then claimed his PayPal and Venmo accounts went down. Where are the lawsuits? Better yet, where are the donations he collected? The transparency?
I can’t say that he has done a lot. He has convinced people that there was a lab leak or an intentional release of *something* yet there is no scientific evidence of either. What has he done besides present a counter-narrative to the world which someone had to do for the operation anyway?
I've been following his videos on YT since day one, have downloaded most of them. However there's one in particular that I watched but don't think I downloaded- he deleted it. It was some sort of "bombshell" BS.
I also participated in the website he created with that doofus from Utah, can't remember his name. Of all the bragging David has done, the one that pissed me off the most is when he bragged about using his money/power/connections to get his foreign wife and step daughter special privileges to remain in the US. He met with an elected official to provide wife/step daughter the opportunity to skip everyone else who's been waiting years for their Immigration documents - the guy is an absolute scumbag. You can quote me on that - David Martin is an absolute scumbag.
Both JJ & Mark Kulacz are right about this scumbag.
Sasha Latypova went after him and I wasn't sure why. Who has been more on top of the patents than he? For whatever his flaws, he doesn't make the top 100 list of people who need to be attacked, when not one Convid Criminal (The CCs) has been brought to justice.
Great article!!!!! I think he had a PhD in sports medicine and created some kind of laser or something for inoperable tumors? This guy is all over the place! Read the fine print in the blue box with his pic...https://rofiminternational.org/past-events/
I always thought DM made it clear that he only talked of a model of a virus and that - as he clearly stated in the Zeck interview - no infectious pathogens ever existed.
I watched the Zeck interview twice - first feeling cross at DM and hoping Alec would wipe the floor with him.
When Martin made it completely clear that he doesn’t believe in contagious bio weapons - which was what I had always gathered was his position - I went back to watch his European Parliament presentation.
Indeed, he does talk, only about the model of the virus and that the bio weapon was the injection.
I then went to watch the interview again with Alec.
Do you know of any occasion where Martin claims that Covid was an infectious, bio weapon?
Does he not always make it clear that it was, in fact, a branded global terrorism operation using a fake virus and a fake disease to coerce an injectable bio weapon?
Early David Martin videos were all about Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance being attached to dangerous gain-of-function bioweapons that no one has proven exists. David Martin is immensely talented at speaking in hyperbole and pussyfooting around the details of topics while still acting like he's an authority on the information.
David does seem to not want to proclaim that a corona"virus" is not a "virus" as pre the current understood description - I call it a corona"vaccine" i.e. if Dr. Zach Bush is right and we are swimming in them, then they (based on Hormesis Science) are updating us to our Microbiome via introducing miniscule toxins to us, so that we can develop a protective mechanism to set "toxins" -
This is possibly the best way to help those caught in the "virus" LIE to see that we don't live in a reality where these particles ensure we become the manufacturers of toxin :) and then contagiously pass them on to infect others lol and then they too will replicate and pass on - lol So Silly, but this fairytale persists
Where his next statement is: “I think that the ability to be extremely confident in the mission that you have taken on and the ability to see the mission, in spite of all the obstacles, is really a critical success factor. And I think another is a bit of tenacity.”
He is saying we should all be terrified of gain of function viruses. The evidence shows that a worldwide pandemic is impossible unless you launch infectious clones all over the world. This is what he is covering up. It was not a lab leak, it was a biological weapons attack.
I wish I could find the link - Martin did put forward that Ralph Barik had put forward that the "gain-of-function" particle/sequence, used for the psyop, was "replication defective" lol - as if they could create something "replication effective" :) - (no virus in nature and synthetic biology is not organic reality) - anyway he doesn't deal with the concept of "contagion" - that too is a fallacy i.e. our bodies communicate to each other to detox and depending on our overall health, it will determine the extent of discomfort we experience -
I put some effort in, as an apology :) - here's the Martin clip -
For some additional viewing, you have to watch Mark Kulacz of Housatonic Live's reaction to a recent COVID summit in Romania where David E. Martin was bumping elbows with an odd mix of people: https://www.youtube.com/live/xQtinKkOcp4?si=hHHn3NJcVAdmnY2t&t=912
UPDATE: I found a couple interviews from 2011 where David talks about doing all kinds of work in the "late 80s and early 90s" when he was meant to be in school. Something is fishy...
From reading your article the good news is that because of so much media on individual idiots like this prick , they sooner or later trip themselves up . If you’re going to fib you better have an idetic memory. The problem is there are too many of these clowns in “ The system “
Martin is on Mathew Crawford’s (Rounding the Earth) list of Chaos Agents.
Matthew Crawford strikes me as a chaos agent's chaos agent. Too flaky by far on mythical virus origins, all dressed up and ready to party as the giant (and trustworthyish) statistical brain. Not buying him either.
Do you believe covid was naturally occurring?
Excellent in depth work. These actors are very difficult to read. Masons always have sneaky intentions and intelligence connections do always seem to suggest exploring foreign countries for gain , usually financial for someone like Martin . While subsequently leaving the foreign country short of natural resources or taking advantage of loopholes for taxes , philanthropy or some other shady operation.
I admit I was initially snookered by him when I saw him address the EU with his long speech on SARS 1 and how he had all the pertinent info on patents of COVId and dirt on Moderna , NIH , etc.
I can tell you as a radiologist COVId had real imaging pattern on CT. Saw it fairly consistently up till February 2022 and the emergence of Omicron. That was so mild a variant that we almost didn’t see it anymore . Have begun seeing it again sparsely with handful of cases as cold winter season is upon us (just like last winter).
Would add something for readers here. I have quickly learned that these people connected in biowarfare , big pharma , healthcare and insurance will do anything to get an edge on how to profit off of making people sick. Bill Gates is in this group just like he did with Microsoft. Create the problem and fear and seek profits from the solution (virus and then sell the antiviral software).
People should look up Lab 257 and Plum island. Our govt set up shop and took some leftover operation paperclip scientists to study hand foot and mouth and other viruses . There is lots of smoke and credible evidence that Lyme disease came from here , Lyme Connecticut is 5-10 miles from the island where they did the govt controlled secret testing. Birds and /or mosquitos carried it to the deer and all the young infected kids and other people were the epicenter. So there have been lab mistakes that have gotten out.
I do feel like they knew COVId came out accidentally in September 2019 when the power went out and they went far at h the BS 4 lab there.
Wuhan military games in late October then enabled all countries to come there and get sick and bring it back to their native countries. Bottom line as the patents and companies show, genie was out of the bag and plan was in place in October 2019 with the meeting in New York City with Event 201 sponsored by WEF, bill and Melinda gates and John Hopkins with Chinese CDC Gao there , Big tech and CIA Avril Haynes
There is too much evidence and coincidences that it all wasn’t in place by then.
Also remember Gates had a Netflix special on pandemics in October /Nov 2019
I think the Wuhan story was planned in advance. I do not think a virus caused what you saw on CT scans. I will explain in a future post.
Military chaff, aluminum coated fiberglass. They have upped the chemtrailing and combined with military frequencies and radiation toxicity I imagine that will wreck already unhealthy lungs. Not to mention the hospital protocols they’re dousing on anyone unlucky to visit a participating hospital.
I do believe this makes the most sense.
I don’t believe Covid was an accident. It is a biological impossibility for a novel coronavirus to be replication competent enough to circle the globe in a matter of months. Strategic deliberate release in predetermined hot spots and the exclusive widespread use of fraudulent PCR testing to keep it going long after the threat was gone is the only math that makes sense.
Or something else completely. 🤔
A lot of something else’s killed people after Friday 13, March 2020. Fear, lack of medical care, job loss, suicide, addiction, physical abuse, but what touched it off was real.
I had friends that caught Covid and complained of weird symptoms but I brushed it off as not a whole lot different than the flu. Then during Delta I got what an at-home antigen test indicated was Covid.
I’ve never experienced inflammation so severe without much congestion in my life. Tachycardia, low O2 even though I wasn’t out of breath. Complete loss of olfactory senses.
I’m unvaxxed. Took Ivermectin, D, K, C, Zinc, NAC, Querciten, etc. Kicked its ass. Then 2wks later got the rebound people talk about. Was fking ridiculous. Unprecedented.
Meanwhile the young people in my family went through it like a cold. No biggie. So severity is age related.
I’ve heard all the pet theories about snake venom, 5G, nabobots, chemtrails, reanimating the Spanish Flu, and of course the gain of function monster from the Petri dish. And, of course, the nothing exists it’s all in your head crowd.
But at the end of the day what the poison was or was not isn’t the issue. The issue is that humanity was deliberately triggered by “a thing” that was kept alive via PCR and used to fear monger us out of our liberty, freedom, and personal sovereignty.
The bottom line is, before Covid the first order of business dictated by trusted experts during any emergency was always to stay calm.
Instead they fanned the flames of alarm to trigger the fight or flight reflex that had everyone blindly running for the exits. The exits were crushing mandates and ultimately the needle.
We were being herded. Feared into submission. That’s the thing too few are focusing on. Most of the so-called medical freedom fighters are controlled opposition, diverting from what’s important and making bank while leading us nowhere.
I'm satisfied that Covid was a manufactured psyop. Manufactured as in fake.
I am with you, it was a total psyop and since many papers were written before hand, meetings held about the rollout and it was in a production at the 2012 Olympics ..numbers were faked, fake tests for hypochondriacs to drive up fake numbers, venting and killing people in hospitals..the list is endless to how the whole thing was FAKE!
I work in a nursing home of about 350 residents. I worked there before, during and after COVID and still haven’t seen a Covid death.
You agree with Crawford then.
I do not. He waxes contradictory hence my conclusion that he is not reliable (trustworthy). Don't bother replying with another cryptic comment, I have no intention of attempting to justify what I have come to understand since 2020 via a thousand fragmentary interjections. By all means you believe what you want and I won't disturb you.
You do not feel it is required to give specifics whilst impugning someone’s character? Sorry, speaking in platitudes is never enough to justify assassinating someone’s character. Then, you audaciously claim I’m cryptic? 😂 And think you can order me around telling me not to respond? 😂 😂 😂 You’re a real piece of work. I’m glad you’ve exposed a slice of your personality for everyone to see on this message board.
Yeah the PCR angle also seemed a part of the plan. Kary Mullis the creator of it was willing to challenge Fauci on AIDS and was not afraid to challenge the narrative . He talked about
how easy it is to exploit by modifying amplification.
He mysteriously died 2 months before this whole evil operation began in August 2019 , from ironically “pneumonia”.
Speaking of mysterious deaths , one thing I’m curious your opinion on Ricky is a UPMC researcher who was Chinese working on coronavirus research in Pittsburgh in May 2020. Double murder. Not covered too much by national media. But, seems super nefarious in what they reported as a love quarrel of two gay men gone awry......
You're talking about Bing Liu and Hao Gu I believe. I think they were allegedly fighting over the same woman. I've thought a lot about this one! It's something I'll touch on in a later post.
In case you're interested, there have been literally *scores* of deaths that have been highly convenient for the powers-that-be in relation to the plandemic.
Here are 60 of them for starters: https://fishily.net/convenient/
Thank you.
You're v welcome.
As a bonus for being so nice, here are 20 more: https://fishily.net/privileged/
Bowtie = Bullshitter. I don't mean a raconteur, I mean a prize bullshitter. It's a signal signal.
Dr. D.E.M. was packaged for public consumption and Billy Gates too, by Tedx.
As the saying goes, one doesn’t know, what one doesn’t know.
Great content, thanks!!!
A deadly mixture of toxic chemicals and EMF. Full spectrum Killing...
Thank you for the subscription! Much appreciated!
Great article and those videos..OMG the Mickey Willis character was giving me demonic vibes while spinning his yarn. Martin is a good salesman to an extent..he is an arrogant self aggrandizing gas bag for sure. There is Zero proof a bio weapon was ever released because as we learned later the footage from China and New York were fake and even epicenter #2 Lombardi Italy later redacted their fake numbers.
You think Martin is a "bad guy"? Seems to me he's done a lot for the movement.
He’s problematic at best. He gets caught telling lies (or at the very least exaggerating) quite often. I even show you in this post how he became famous for making claims of a widespread bioweapon that he has since said he was talking about only from a legal perspective. Suddenly, he tells us it’s not necessarily what he believes. He has claimed to do important work in the 1980s which isn’t true. He has claimed to save billions of lives which is absurd. He currently travels the world with a bunch of spooks in the health freedom movement like Robert Malone and Steven Hatfill! These people worked at Ft. Detrick but he is complaining about the same kind of work being done in China?!? In fact, he has been regularly traveling the world since the 1990s and I am not sure why or who is paying for it. He was accepting donations for COVID-related lawsuits but then claimed his PayPal and Venmo accounts went down. Where are the lawsuits? Better yet, where are the donations he collected? The transparency?
I can’t say that he has done a lot. He has convinced people that there was a lab leak or an intentional release of *something* yet there is no scientific evidence of either. What has he done besides present a counter-narrative to the world which someone had to do for the operation anyway?
Also, why does he still have a YouTube channel? They took mine away a long time ago.
I've been following his videos on YT since day one, have downloaded most of them. However there's one in particular that I watched but don't think I downloaded- he deleted it. It was some sort of "bombshell" BS.
I also participated in the website he created with that doofus from Utah, can't remember his name. Of all the bragging David has done, the one that pissed me off the most is when he bragged about using his money/power/connections to get his foreign wife and step daughter special privileges to remain in the US. He met with an elected official to provide wife/step daughter the opportunity to skip everyone else who's been waiting years for their Immigration documents - the guy is an absolute scumbag. You can quote me on that - David Martin is an absolute scumbag.
Both JJ & Mark Kulacz are right about this scumbag.
I agree!
Sasha Latypova went after him and I wasn't sure why. Who has been more on top of the patents than he? For whatever his flaws, he doesn't make the top 100 list of people who need to be attacked, when not one Convid Criminal (The CCs) has been brought to justice.
I suspect there's a reason he's on top of patents. He's making sure no one gets brought to justice. That's his job--running cover.
Wow, Daaaam Ricky. 🔥
Great article!!!!! I think he had a PhD in sports medicine and created some kind of laser or something for inoperable tumors? This guy is all over the place! Read the fine print in the blue box with his pic...https://rofiminternational.org/past-events/
There was this too...4th paragraph...https://rodscontracts.com/TheDoctors/DoctorDavidMartin/_DrDavidMartinBio.pdf
And here is some of his research...https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Martin-199
I always thought DM made it clear that he only talked of a model of a virus and that - as he clearly stated in the Zeck interview - no infectious pathogens ever existed.
I watched the Zeck interview twice - first feeling cross at DM and hoping Alec would wipe the floor with him.
When Martin made it completely clear that he doesn’t believe in contagious bio weapons - which was what I had always gathered was his position - I went back to watch his European Parliament presentation.
Indeed, he does talk, only about the model of the virus and that the bio weapon was the injection.
I then went to watch the interview again with Alec.
Do you know of any occasion where Martin claims that Covid was an infectious, bio weapon?
Does he not always make it clear that it was, in fact, a branded global terrorism operation using a fake virus and a fake disease to coerce an injectable bio weapon?
Early David Martin videos were all about Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance being attached to dangerous gain-of-function bioweapons that no one has proven exists. David Martin is immensely talented at speaking in hyperbole and pussyfooting around the details of topics while still acting like he's an authority on the information.
David does seem to not want to proclaim that a corona"virus" is not a "virus" as pre the current understood description - I call it a corona"vaccine" i.e. if Dr. Zach Bush is right and we are swimming in them, then they (based on Hormesis Science) are updating us to our Microbiome via introducing miniscule toxins to us, so that we can develop a protective mechanism to set "toxins" -
This is possibly the best way to help those caught in the "virus" LIE to see that we don't live in a reality where these particles ensure we become the manufacturers of toxin :) and then contagiously pass them on to infect others lol and then they too will replicate and pass on - lol So Silly, but this fairytale persists
He really says he lost his legs in an accident?!?
There's a link to where I pulled that quote.
Where his next statement is: “I think that the ability to be extremely confident in the mission that you have taken on and the ability to see the mission, in spite of all the obstacles, is really a critical success factor. And I think another is a bit of tenacity.”
So, I guess, tenacity times two?
The leg thing is so weird, I’m blown away.
Your stuff is tremendous, Mr. Rants. Thank you.
OH MY....... 😳
He is saying we should all be terrified of gain of function viruses. The evidence shows that a worldwide pandemic is impossible unless you launch infectious clones all over the world. This is what he is covering up. It was not a lab leak, it was a biological weapons attack.
I wish I could find the link - Martin did put forward that Ralph Barik had put forward that the "gain-of-function" particle/sequence, used for the psyop, was "replication defective" lol - as if they could create something "replication effective" :) - (no virus in nature and synthetic biology is not organic reality) - anyway he doesn't deal with the concept of "contagion" - that too is a fallacy i.e. our bodies communicate to each other to detox and depending on our overall health, it will determine the extent of discomfort we experience -
I put some effort in, as an apology :) - here's the Martin clip -