As we see with most psyops centered around violence, a crowdfunding campaign was started for this one. Due to the nature of this story, GoFundMe had to pull the plug as they'll only go so far as rewarding the families of crisis actors. This time, the (likely) fake shooter will get his payday or, at the very least, his lawyer will get hers for participating in a show trial.

You know the feds will want to get their hands on this list of names so they can flag them.


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From the Inner City Press on X:

“ MANGIONE is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with one count of Murder in the 1st Degree, in furtherance of terrorism; two counts of Murder in the 2d Degree, one of which is charged as killing as an act of terrorism.

Could this be Federal[ized]?”

Are they trying to set some kind of precedent with this nonsense?

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Good article.

"When you’ve committed a bunch of crimes as a high profile CEO, it might be best to fake your own death."

Yep, it's not rocket science and the first thing to suspect surely.

I'd love to know where all these pseudocides go ... there's just so many of them.

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I LOVEDDD this quote as well!!

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Maybe they dress up like women for a while. Transcriminal travelers to foreign lands without extradition treaties, perhaps.

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Thanks Ricky. The second I saw the shooter centered on camera and in perfect lighting I knew it was fully faked.

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I think there's an overlooked aspect of this whole thing that it shares in common with the whole lab leak/gain of function narrative regarding the scamdemic:

This action of what appears to be vigilante justice appeals to a certain (rather large) segment of the masses that know on some level that there's something wrong with society, the government, and specifically "healthcare". By and large, they still trust the healthcare system, so they believe that it can be fixed with better doctors, better vaXXXines, better drugs, better testing and diagnostics, and better insurance companies and insurance practices.

But that framing is a sleight of hand, because it just directs attention and resources towards "fixing" a system that doesn't do much of anything to actually enable and promote health. Meanwhile, energy and attention should be focused on showing how the system very efficiently milks money out of everyone, distributes billions in research funds and drug development, and somehow remains bereft of a cure for cancer and assorted chronic conditions and diseases.

So instead of looking for alternatives to the existing system, like "different" doctors who promote and facilitate metabolic health, and convey the message of accountability for our diet and fitness, they look for the quick fix of outsourcing accountability to those who are "better". This mentality is really no different from those invested in the political system, who get worked up about issues fed to them in the public realm and do nothing but cast a worthless vote once every election cycle.

It reminds me of the scamdemic narrative, because believing in "gain of function" and lab leaks, and blaming the evildoers who "released" some mythical pathogen, places emphasis on the actors and personalities in the drama, and emphasizes the helplessness of having been sickened by that mythical pathogen. But it ignores the bigger picture of the scam that was run on a worldwide scale - no virus necessary.

So getting back to this UHC drama, those clamoring for better healthcare, insurance coverage or more paid claims are missing the point and wasting their energy. Because paid up claims for toxic prescriptions and surgeries that people don't need, while it could admittedly alleviate some financial stress and suffering, still does nothing to change the fundamental nature of the allopathic medical model that only serves as a sick care and symptom management system.

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I couldn’t agree more. Well said!

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I definitely have my doubts about the alleged CEO assassination. The recent theme of these type of events seems to be the promotion of heroism - including the staged assassination of Trump - to offset the growing sense of powerlessness of the population with respect to the forces of corporatism.

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Great point, Peter. I always try to observe how events that are widely covered and discussed in the public realm play out, and this is definitely something we're seeing. It's always tough to surmise what the end game could be, as each "event" could just be one chess move.

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Great analysis Ricky, from the start this didn’t make sense and I assume the mAsses will be glued to the tv screens to watch this make believe show unravel. Just like all the rest. Bet we will never know the real truth or reasons about any of this story. Just like they like it.

Another thing I noticed from reading hundreds of posts and comments from different groups on all sides of politics is that with all the outrage about our shitty healthcare systems in America, very few posts calling out the fact that these healthcare criminals are all complicit in the convid scam.

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Excellent insight.

I completely agree. This is a distraction side show.

Pelosi stock call options on the same cyber tech company that was consulted to “fix” the health insurers cyber hack, bough the same day of the hack. You can’t make this shit up. I don’t buy with his 800k motive pad in Hawaii that he or his family wouldn’t pay for back surgery. His family money is connected to nursing homes and extended care Luigi’s grandfather and Pelosis connections and the ports in Baltimore suggest these modern day mafia are still controlling way more than anyone cares to admit !

This ceo was under DOJ investigation. Only motive I could buy is what if this kid who is brilliant and has expertise in AI and cyber “created the hack and was covering it up by taking out the person implicating him”. This is pure speculation. But at least makes more sense for a motive

I just can’t believe how sinister and what some would do for money like the Pelosis in their 80’s. At that point your legacy should be to be a good person

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My initial take on the whole was that it was a psyop. The CEO walked into frame immediately before the "shooter," and why CEO was there to begin with is never addressed. No One in the vehicles (that one with the lights all over it must have had someOne in it...) responded. No blood (yeah, yeah, "sometimes things don't bleed..." But c'mon. Several shots and no blood???).

And His response to the initial "impact" did not look natural at all.

Yeah, He's on some island or something, chuckling away.

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Great presentation. hmmmm. PSY-OP, but why? What is the point? Is it to encourage copycats?

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Possibly. They already sentenced one woman for a rather lackluster threat over the phone.

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Yeah, that was weird and not credible. What is the play here? Deception is the point, but where are they taking us to?

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Even if you believe it wasn't credible, the majority of the country sees it as a woman getting punished. The news isn't for you. It's for those who get programmed by it. So, this might actually encourage people to hold their tongues.

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Cliff High has talked about vigilante justice as the only justice we will see, so maybe this Psy-op is to cut that off before it gains momentum.

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I think the motivation at least in part is to fuel the rage people are controlling (for the moment) inside themselves as they can't get a diagnosis or insurance coverage for all the damage done.

As ol' Neil Young sang so pitifully years ago, "I've seen the needle and the damage done..."

To incite civil war. They have to disarm America to move forward and this psyop will fester in people's minds.

The same thing in NC and TN with government negligence. Lahaina. Etc.

I wonder if this CEO even exists? If he does, he likely doesn't anymore. Leaving people alive like a trail of breadcrumbs makes no sense if I think like a psychopath. Best to bump them off.

Dead men tell no tales.

Thanks for the very interesting article.

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I agree. They don’t care enough about people to make sure they are still alive, even if the person paid them a lot of money to arrange the whole thing.

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Every crime since 911 is a test ground for the expansion of public tolerance for greater criminality in the future

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George Webb on his Substack stated that the CEO was set to testify before Congress and spill the beans on something or another.

He believes the murderer was real I for one having read Miles Mathis for a decade or so could easily see that it was not real, especially the way they caught him at the McDonald’s with the gun and the manifesto as well as identified by his eyebrows that’s ridiculous .

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George Webb always weaves a tangled web. He's good at talking in circles.

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Great work as always. It looked staged from the start and the fact he walks right by the hotel entrance that the meeting was in made no sense. The Starbucks was a short trip in the opposite direction so it wasn't for coffee. The CEO should have been walking into the hotel instead of past the entrance. Careful with Mathis. He seems to be on point a lot, but I get the sense he is controlled op and will misdirect at times to keep the power system protected.

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Thank you!

Mathis has always seemed fishy to me and he always goes on genealogy tangents that prove little to nothing. That being said, we were mostly on the same page before I even read it.

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PsyOp - More restrictions to make us more ‘secure’ - Who profits?

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I could see that. Some high profile corrupt guy gets off by playing a part in the op.

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God I still can’t listen to Peggy Hall. Screams on and on, now she’s throwing in “y’all’s” for good measure, still can’t get to the point…….

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Yeah, I agree that she was unnecessarily longwinded, but at least she's on the right page.

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I said that right after- it was staged. Where was the standard ceo security?

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I think they are going for the excuse that it was too early in the morning and he went out for a coffee before security was around. If he was staying at a hotel, there would be no need. I call BS.

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The words on the bullets were a dead giveaway, for me.

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