
Now we're getting somewhere!

All these "virologists" doing research into radiation and cellular signal communications.


Still think the towers are nothing to do with CONVID?

I've been telling you all this for 5years.

I am not wrong....

A man doesn't give up everything to tell you lies.....

The quicker we realize the connection, the more we save.

As for ALL the pollies, GUILTY.

As for all medical doctors and admin GULTY.

As for all authorities....GUILTY.


premeditated GBH

Premeditated murder



Have a nice day.....


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Yeah, me too. My spidey sense was triggered by this event because it was so quickly hushed up and forgotten. I made notes about it in anticipation of further details coming to light.... they didn't. I have nothing in my notes beyond Ricky's article. Someone, somewhere knows more.

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Have you ever wondered why college is so expensive and why it has been so heavily promoted as de riguer for a decent job? It's money extraction from the slaves to pay for their villainous research. Win/win for them.

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I think tuition is just enough to keep the campuses well-kept to attract prospective talent. The real money is found in grants from the NSF, NIH, DoD, DARPA, IARPA, etc.

Yes, government agencies have long used universities to do their dirty work. With such a large university system, you can easily compartmentalize so people never quite get the big picture.

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Excellent research and well written! So many universities and govt and medical agencies exploit young talent and overseas non citizens, many of which are either in debt or do not realize their true worth and are enticed with lucrative deals. Sometimes signing even NDA's. This was always suspicious to me. Fascinating with Hao and Eaton connection. Wonder if JJ Couey knew Bing Liu. JJ Couey was recruited and worked at UPMC riding his bike to work there up till 2020. He eventually would not comply with convid protocols and they forced him out. He also subsequently ran into many of the pandemic personalities ( some with intelligence connections) Childrens Health Defense and RFK Jr. Even has a blurb in RFK's book. Would be interesting to find out if JJ knew anything of him?

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I want to say JJ mentioned not knowing him on his show a few years back but I might be mistaken.

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