30 Clues That Let Us Know COVID Was A Planned Operation | Part V
Legislation, the DoD and the CDC.
I know it’s been a little while, but I’m back to creating new posts! This multipart series is just getting started. For those of you who recently discovered my Substack, you can find the first four installments below.
Part I: Conspiracies, Anthrax, Emerging Pathogens & Informed Consent
Part II: Simulations, Comic Books & Dances
Part III: In-Q-Tel, Trump, Gates, the WHO and the FDA
Part IV: Gold Repatriation, the Repo Market and Interest Rates
And on we go with the countdown.
19. Vaccination Legislation
America spearheaded the vaccination legislation frenzy. Superb research from
shows us just how out of control Congressional acts have been in the past few decades. The insane amount of effort that went into planning for events that were supposed to be random is quite telling.However, it didn’t stop on the federal level. Introduced by the CDC in 1999, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) was designed to help U.S. legislatures in revising their public health laws to control (fake) epidemics/pandemics and bioterrorism. While the naïve observer might believe this was just sensible preparation for the unknown, the potential weaponization of these powers did not go unnoticed by those in power. In lockstep, other nations would follow suit.
For example, Canada’s Public Safety Act would be read by late 2001. This bill called for emergency powers being granted to the Health Minister and would amend numerous preexisting bills. It received the pushback that it deserved.
I neglected to mention it in part one of this series which covered conspiracy theories, but Dr. Pierre Gilbert predicted that vaccines would contain liquid crystals that would turn people into “zombies” when exposed to certain electromagnetic frequencies. That was 1995. It certainly sounded crazy then, but it sounds rather plausible in 2024 after experiencing all these shenanigans firsthand. Dr. Gilbert suggested that it had already been tested out on Rwandans. Where he got this information is unclear, but it should raise an eyebrow. Was a more advanced concept of this weapon deployed at the end of 2020?
If we fast forward to the past decade, we see things got progressively worse. In 2015, the state of Texas would float the idea of mandatory quarantines imposed by the health commissioner after the Ebola scare. That same year, Florida congresswoman Frederica Wilson would champion the Vaccinate all Children Act of 2015. This threatened to remove parents from having any role in deciding what vaccines their children would receive. Of course her senior health policy aide was a former salesperson for vaccine behemoth GlaxoSmithKline.
For the sake of balance, Florida’s Bill Posey introduced the Vaccine Safety Study Act in the summer of 2017. Unsurprisingly, it never moved through congress
In 2018, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) noted declining vaccination rates and ramped up the fear porn. Entering 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) would name vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health. The year would prove to be one of the most aggressive in vaccine legislation history.
New York’s Assembly Bill A99 would be filed by Assemblyman Nick Perry in January. Had it passed, the legislation would have allowed for the removal of people from society, forced quarantines and compulsory vaccination. Mirroring New York, California had its own Assembly Bill AB-262 which would have allowed medical authorities the power to do just about anything in the name of stopping a “communicable” disease.
Later in January, New York Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz introduced Assembly Bill A2316, which would have required all kids attending daycare to get annual flu shots. It didn’t make it past committee. Days later, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin would drop Assembly Bill A2912A, which would have required all children born after January 1, 2009 to receive the notoriously dangerous HPV vaccine to participate in school. Although that bill didn’t pass, reports started coming out about kids receiving the HPV vaccine at school in the Bronx without parental consent. In the fall, job notices would go up for a school-based HPV vaccination program. It all seems a bit coordinated, doesn’t it?
Not all bills were roadblocked. State senator Brad Hoylman—a notorious vaccine fanatic—would introduce Senate Bill S2994, designed to nix religious exemptions for vaccinations. This one eventually made it all the way to Governor Cuomo’s desk where it was signed into law. My-body-my-choice politicians put their hypocrisy on full display. A “health crisis” would be the excuse used for doing away with religious exemptions just a few months later. The repeal would be shot down at that time by New York assembly speaker Carl Heastie who had a newer assemblyman change his vote. Evil.
Medical authoritarianism coming from the states was due in part by pressure from the federal level. FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb criticized states for allowing exemptions and blamed them for “outbreaks” of disease. He vaguely hinted at the possibility of federal authorities stepping in to take control of the situation. That’s essentially what happened just a year later.
Immediately following the statement by Gottlieb, yet another bill would be introduced in New York state. Filed by state senator Liz Krueger and co-sponsored by Hoylman, Senate Bill S3899A proposed to allow children to be treated for “sexually transmitted diseases” without a parent or guardian’s consent. The bill never made it past committee. The following month, Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy would introduce Assembly Bill A6564B, which would allow any child 14 years of age or older to have themselves immunized without parental consent. This one also got caught up in committee.
Fahy’s bill came just after an Ohio teenager named Ethan Lindenberger was trotted out in front of the Senate to tell his story about how he got vaccinated against his “misinformed” mother’s wishes. Clearly, this theatre was propaganda meant to condition the general public. TIME reported:
Indeed, Lindenberger said the sites and organizations that peddle falsehoods — not the people who believe them out of concern for their loved ones — are the real problem. He said he looks to organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization (WHO) for information, rather than sites preferred by his mother, such as Facebook.
Yeah, that sounds like an 18-year-old kid and not a script from the feds. Sure.
New York wasn’t done there. In April, the New York City Commissioner of Health declared a public health emergency after an alleged “outbreak” and declared that people residing in 4 particular zip codes must be vaccinated for measles. This stunt targeted specific neighborhoods known for having lower vaccine uptake. Outside the city, the state would target the Amish. They even served papers to the homes of unvaccinated children on Long Island.
In the fall of 2019, Westchester County (NY) would introduce a bill that would mandate vaccinations for adults and give complete power to the County Board of Health. Just over a year later, we would see something like this happen across the world.
In 2020, New Jersey was close to having religious exemptions made available only for private schools—leaving poor kids vulnerable to medical tyranny. Meanwhile, Colorado shot down religious exemptions. I think this gives us a pretty good idea of what things were like heading into the COVID operation.
18. Two Shady Entities: DoD & CDC
One of the issues some people had with the rollout of the COVID shots in 2020 is that manufacturers had a full liability shield for any potential harm caused by their products. Many didn’t think much of it, because they assumed the trials and manufacturing process had proper oversight.
wrote an insightful two-part series on this topic for ’s Substack. In the first part, she explained the legal framework setup between the government and pharmaceutical companies. Maybe even more interesting is the second part where a deep dive reveals the partnership between the Department of Health & Human Services and the Department of Defense (DoD) simply circumvented civilian protection laws.The first piece of the puzzle was the post-9/11 Project Bioshield Act of 2004. This gave rise to authoritarian Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) law as we know it today along with billions of dollars of funding for vaccines in the event of a bioterror attack. It’s clear why they keep doing silly hearings to keep the narrative about a virus from Wuhan (that doesn’t exist) alive. The 2015 establishment of the CBRN Medical Countermeasure Consortium by the Department of Defense would leave the door open for medical prototypes being deployed for use on the civilian population.
If you think the bioterrorism aspect of 9/11 being used for COVID is merely coincidental, I encourage you to zoom in to what was happening in the months leading up to the COVID operation going live. In May of 2019, the Department of Defense’s Office for Chemical and Biological Defense was seeking antiviral drugs for a plethora of “viruses” which included SARS-CoV coronaviruses. It’s fascinating that they were looking for antivirals less than a year before going all in on experimentation injections with Operation Warp Speed, no?
By August, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) would expand the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) which would allow them to keep better tabs on what was happening inside hospitals. Of course, this data would be shared by the CDC to the DoD. Meanwhile, Canada’s pandemic alert system known as the Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN) would be financially gutted and go dark.
In November, the CDC would post a job notice for a Public Health Advisor for a rather vague quarantine program. It stated:
Serves as a project representative for a program responsible for preventing the importation and spread of communicable diseases.
[ "Assist in planning and implementing a program for preventing the importation of communicable diseases from abroad and spread of these diseases domestically.", "Monitor disease trends and consults with senior leaders to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent the introduction/spread of communicable diseases by travelers, etiologic agents or vectors.", "Provide technical assistance, consultation and guidance to national, state and/or local agencies; health organizations; federal, state and local law enforcement agencies; airport and seaport activities; hospital networks, and other private entities.", "Ensure appropriate communication networks, planning documents and emergency response protocols are in place, tested and regularly updated.", "Develop and present training to various governmental agencies and local partners on emergency response protocols, communicable diseases and quarantine activities." ]
Considering applications had to be submitted by spring of 2020, there was likely a brand new person taking on that role at the peak of the COVID madness. Sounds about right.
With all the above in mind, it seems like they were ready to promote the narrative of a (fake) pandemic, especially one under the WHO’s 2009 definition requiring less morbidity.
Thanks for reading! Click HERE for part six.