Other deaths along with Brandy Vaughan linked to pandemic fraud and mass vaccination:

Annelisa Kilbourn --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH4XYSyG0J0

Bing Liu and Hao Gu --> https://rickyrants.substack.com/p/the-curious-case-of-bing-liu-and

Liam Scheff --> https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/vaccination-the-best-of-all-possible

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I haven't watched yet, but I will guess that the money is the icing on the experiment cake. All vaccines have been experiments on Us. There is also likely nuts in the cake - nanotech to control Us by... And other things to manipulate and track Us.

Yeah, They don't mind the money, but Their goals are much further reaching.

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CHD always proved that RFK, Jr. was an insider...

I first posted on him in August, 2022:


In April, 2023, I went into more details (but you can find a lot more by searching under "Archive" on my pain page):


In the end, they are all killers...

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Now if they could only disclose that bacteria and “ viruses” have never been proven to cause disease. That the word virus(Latin for poison) definition has been changed. That the disease causing entity has never been proven to even exist.

Will watch the videos.

Thank for the info.

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Yes it all rings true

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The Brandy Vaughan archive on Housatonic is very comprehensive. Thanks for mentioning it here.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was excommunicated from the Church by order of the now very sick Pope Francis and issued a grave warning, alleging that the pope is an enthusiastic collaborator in the Great Reset. He claims that the pope's goal was to dismantle the Church and replace it with an organization inspired by Masonic principles. He further contends that a sinister conspiracy exists between the deep state and the deep church, reminding us that the pope is a Jesuit.

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Brandy Vaughn was assassinated … pure and simple

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Thanks for this remarkable analysis that rings so true, given all the elements we have, for those paying attention. Unfortunately, this truth has to remain between very few, I tried to share it and most are not ready to hear it. I will keep it for when they are. It's a step up in the game.

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Thank you!

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The most strange ting ever spoken to me (translated by me ! I do not know what you do communicate and express there is no one "at home in my place" there is nothing in my place "consciousness" to comprehend of what is being shared) was from me former brother in law when his father did pass away very short and very strait forward "the good one die first" ?

I myself is a third generation survivor (1953 before I was born my grandmother did explained it to me only one time when I was thirteen here family was destroyed and here husband did lose the life at 53 years of age at that time) from an atrocity orchestrated and pre-arranged by controlled operative wreck havoc agents the machinery of using the human population for medical exploration so you see it is all true sleeper and shadow agents decades in the "brewing"

What i am trying to communicate is first thank you and second it is a conformation "the vaccine industrial complex is a machinery using the human population for medical experiment" every single blue tie and white collar specie this do include women (if not their destiny will be the same as Brandy Vaughan and by whom yes you are all correct and it is world wide) are "in on it" the private, public, partnership did the last blow greed, power and status "by way of deception thou shalt do war & do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" a strange thing but true

A genuine mother "the only one dead on the picture and absolutely the healthiest one" so perhaps I will understand the expression by my former brother in law one day as he was a victim at the age of two by the "medical industrial complex machinery using the human population for medical experiment" the good one die first ?

Why was it important to save all the "granny" to kill them off all being survivors and there could be to many of them, you see thank you for communicating

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